General Questions

What is Smart Learning?
Smart learning is a way to teach preschoolers in a smart way where they can learn by exploring surroundings and gain experience. Learning by doing is the main objective of the smart learning approach. Children are able to learn and retain the concepts faster and for longer period of time. Our philosophy is “Close the books and Open the minds”.
Will you cover the entire curriculum of preschool?
Yes, the entire curriculum will be covered and progress charts will be shared with parents.
What will be the focus areas?
Holistic development approach which incorporate learning methods that suits the child’s level of understanding at his own pace. Focus to build and enhance Verbal, communication, literacy, Numeracy, Fine, Gross Motor, Cognitive & social skills of the child.
Will it be a lecture kinda class?
No, it will be totally an interactive and innovative teaching
How A.K. Smartshala is different from other Play schools?
A.K. Smartshala is a Preschool where child can learn by exploring his/ her environment. Our philosophy is ‘Close the books and Open the Minds’. Personal care and attention with a home like environment with interactive and innovative teaching approach is what makes us different from others.
How to enroll?
Enrollment and admission are very simple and hassle-free for Parents’ convenience. The first step is to 'Register your ward Online/ Offline' followed by step 2 which is 'Interaction with Director Ma’am'. Then step 3 is 'Child’s Day out at A.K. Smartshala' where the child will explore different activities and be exposed to the school environment. And the final step 4 is Filling out the Admission form, Paying the fee and getting the Admission done.
Is there any discount in Fee?
Yes, First 50 entries will get 100% discount on Admission fee that is Rs. 20,000/-
Are Online classes available?
Yes, Online classes are available for preschoolers.
What are the courses available Online?
1. Preparatory classes- Curriculum course to brush up on the concepts of the present class and prepare the child for the next class. 2. Rules of Reading- English reading course for preschoolers that include all the rules of reading. 3. Aao Hindi Sikhe- Hindi Reading & Writing course 4. Maths Concept Booster- A course to brush up on Maths concepts with fun and smart activities.
What are the modes of payments ?
Fee can be paid by both Online &Offline mode.

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